Taylor Wessing LLP

Taylor Wessing LLP

Client Satisfaction


Sebastian Fischoeder


Trademarks; Design, Litigation; Dispute Resolution, Advertising, Unfair Competition, Copyright



Sebastian is a passionate brand lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in trade mark, design, unfair competition and copyright law. He protects and defends all features of his client’s brands – in a broad sense – and their market position.

His practice stretches from short-notice, pragmatic advice over strategic brand advice, contractual negotiations and preliminary court actions to complex high-profile litigation. Sebastian Fischoeder gained particular expertise for unconventional trade marks, such as colour marks, shape marks or slogans, and in the field of legal consumer surveys. A further focus of his practice is design law.


Since 2019  Salary Partner, Taylor Wessing 2002 – 2019   Senior Counsel, Bird & Bird LLP, Düsseldorf 2002 Office of the Attorney General, Dublin, Ireland


English, German


MARQUES (Amicus Curiae Team, 2016-2021 Co-Chair Designs Team) GRUR


2001 – 2002         Trinity College Dublin 2001  Second legal state examination, Bavaria 1999  First legal state examination, Bavaria 1993 – 1998 Legal studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, and University of Passau